文凭试|DSE英文科写作 10句必学万用百搭句式

2023-10-06 17:41

1. pin down the reasons
1. pin down the reasons
2. make the first step
2. make the first step
3. xxx is/are in stark contrast with yyy
3. xxx is/are in stark contrast with yyy
4. Bursting onto the scene
4. Bursting onto the scene
5. Imagine what/ how 
5. Imagine what/ how 
6. What springs to mind when you think of xxx? 
6. What springs to mind when you think of xxx? 
7. It is high time
7. It is high time
8. Add fuels to
8. Add fuels to
9. It is crucial, if not vital to…
9. It is crucial, if not vital to…
10. Under the circumstances that
10. Under the circumstances that


DSE英文写作百搭句式|1. pin down the reasons

例句:"We need to pin down the reasons why sales have been declining."


DSE英文写作百搭句式|2. make the first step

例句: "If you want to achieve your goals, you have to make the first step."


DSE英文写作百搭句式|3. xxx is/are in stark contrast with yyy
指xxx 和 yyy 有明显分别,可用作比较、对比。

例句: "The peaceful countryside is in stark contrast with the bustling city."


DSE英文写作百搭句式|4. Bursting onto the scene
可以解作「突然出现 / 爆红」。

例句:"The new singer is bursting onto the scene with her debut album."


DSE英文写作百搭句式|5. Imagine what/ how 
意思是「试想像」,适用于Speech/ blog,可用于引言的入戏句。

例句:"Imagine how much easier life would be if we had teleportation technology."


DSE英文写作百搭句式|6. What springs to mind when you think of xxx? 
意思是「提起xxx你会想到甚么?」适用于Speech/ blog,可用于引言的入戏句。

例句: "What springs to mind when you think of summertime?"


DSE英文写作百搭句式|7. It is high time
意思是「是时候」,后面动词用past tense,叫某人/组织take action。
例句:“It is high time that we started taking action to address climate change.”


DSE英文写作百搭句式|8. Add fuels to
例句:"When you gossip about someone, it just adds fuel to the fire of their problems."


DSE英文写作百搭句式|9. It is crucial, if not vital to…
例句:“It is crucial, if not vital, that we address climate change before it's too late."


DSE英文写作百搭句式|10. Under the circumstances that 
例句:"Under the circumstances that we are short on time, we'll have to prioritize our tasks."

撰文:Spencer Sir
港大一级荣誉毕业,在学期间获11份奖学金,曾任国际银行MT,历年来教授过5000名学生,早前获香港青年协会邀请担任2020-2021 DSE工作坊讲者。
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