吳雨霏宣佈懷第二胎:Asher 要當哥哥了
2019-04-22 17:51吳雨霏(Kary)與丈夫Brian去年誕下兒子Asher,而在今日Asher 10個月大的同時,Kary宣佈她懷有第二胎了!
Kary在IG貼出一張相,相中見Asher坐在地下,旁邊一塊黑板寫着:「I'm 10 months old and will also be a big bother soon (我今天10個月大,而且即將成為哥哥)以及一張超聲波相。
另外Kary亦留言表示:「It's been very hard keeping it to ourselves this time around... but we are very blessed and happy to share that Baby #2 is coming soon Praise God - who is the maker of ALL things! Asher 要當哥哥了讚美主 - 創造萬物之神!」
消息一出,隨即受廣到大祝福,Kary亦回覆 :「Baby係上天的禮物,我地都好感恩,謝謝大家的祝福!」