關於 Regarding 用法|IELTS 英文寫作攻略秘笈
2024-11-24 14:00
學生寫英文時常犯的錯誤,不是文法出錯(grammatical error),便是用詞不當,結果除了是製造了病句(faulty sentence)之外,還會令人一頭霧水。以下是一位同學所寫的英文句子。
China’s Sanxingdui is regarding the history of the bronze age, which is important because it is a reflection of a native or culture, which reflect the mindset and living habits of the bronze age.
- bronze age (WRONG) 要用大寫字母和前面須加上 definite article - the(指定冠詞)- The Bronze Age (CORRECT) ;
- 句子用了兩個 relative pronouns - which(關係代名詞),令到大家不確定兩個 relative pronouns 是用來修飾前段主詞,或後面的一個 relative pronoun 是用作修飾前面整句。
今天先談 regarding 這個用字。在句子開首,同學用錯了「regarding」這個字。
“ Regarding”含有「關於」、「至於」和「就…而論」等幾個意思。像英文的“ about”介詞 ( preposition ) 一樣,regarding也是 preposition。它用來指示一個主語或一個主題。例句:
I am writing to you regarding your loan application。
“ loan application”是主題。
Regarding your request, we have contacted our supplier to ship another set to you as early as possible.
但要注意的是,當「regarding」用作 preposition,慣常用法是不會和 be-verb (is/are) 放在一起,所以即使這位同學的原意是:
China’s Sanxingdui is regarding the history of the Bronze Age. (WRONG)
China's Sanxingdui is about the history of the Bronze Age。
[ 暫岔開話題。即使我們使用 regard 為 consider 或 realize(考慮、明白)等意思時,也通常不會用現在進行式(present continuous tense)。]
China's Sanxingdui reflects the history of the Bronze Age 或 China's Sanxingdui epitomizes the history of the Bronze Age?
文:Scott Cheng
香港大學比較文學系畢業,資深公關從業員,擁有豐富撰寫文稿的專業經驗,現於HKU SPACE兼職教授公關及企業傳訊深造文憑課程高級企業傳訊寫作。