关于 Regarding 用法|IELTS 英文写作攻略秘笈
2024-11-24 14:00
学生写英文时常犯的错误,不是文法出错(grammatical error),便是用词不当,结果除了是制造了病句(faulty sentence)之外,还会令人一头雾水。以下是一位同学所写的英文句子。
China’s Sanxingdui is regarding the history of the bronze age, which is important because it is a reflection of a native or culture, which reflect the mindset and living habits of the bronze age.
- bronze age (WRONG) 要用大写字母和前面须加上指定冠词 - the (definite article) ⮕ The Bronze Age (CORRECT) ;
- 句子用了两个关系代名词 - which (relative pronouns),令到大家不确定两个 relative pronouns 是用来修饰前段主词,或后面的一个 relative pronoun 是用作修饰前面整句。
今天先谈“ regarding”这个用字。在句子开首,同学用错了 regarding 这个字。
“ regarding”含有「关于」、「至于」和「就…而论」等几个意思。像英文的介词 - about (preposition) 一样,regarding也是 preposition。它用来指示一个主语或一个主题。例句:
I am writing to you regarding your loan application.
“ loan application”是主题。
还有,“ regarding”多放在句子最前,而且多用于较官方和商业方面上。例句:
Regarding your request, we have contacted our supplier to ship another set to you as early as possible.
但要注意的是,当“ regarding”用作 preposition,惯常用法是不会和 be 动词 - is/am/are (be-verb) 放在一起,所以即使这位同学的原意是:
China’s Sanxingdui is regarding the history of the Bronze Age. (WRONG)
若要保留“ is”,宁愿做“ about”:
China's Sanxingdui is about the history of The Bronze Age.
[ 暂岔开话题。即使我们使用 regard 为 consider 或 realize(考虑、明白)等意思时,也通常不会用 现在进行式(present continuous tense)。]
China's Sanxingdui reflects the history of the Bronze Age.
China's Sanxingdui epitomizes the history of the Bronze Age?
文:Scott Cheng
香港大学比较文学系毕业,资深公关从业员,拥有丰富撰写文稿的专业经验,现于HKU SPACE兼职教授公关及企业传讯深造文凭课程高级企业传讯写作。