亞洲足協罰恒大2.25萬美元 涉歧視性及政治標語

2017-05-04 14:05

亞洲足協 (AFC) 宣布,亞洲聯賽冠軍盃G組分組賽,對戰本港東方龍獅的中超球隊廣州恒大,一度有球迷高舉寫有「殲英犬、滅港毒」的橫額,決定判罰2.25萬美元,以及兩場主場亞洲賽事閉門作賽,緩期2年。 事緣4月25日比賽當晚,球場內兩軍球迷不時高呼口號隔空火併,期間夾雜粗言穢語,有恒大球迷甚至怒罵東方港隊門將葉鴻輝。至球賽尾段時,被安排坐在大鐘底的廣州恒大球迷更一度高舉寫有「殲英犬、滅港毒」的橫額。東方龍獅翌日發表聲明,指該會職員已立即拍下照片作紀錄,即時向香港足總及亞洲足協委派的場監匯報,並在完場後就事件入信向亞洲足協匯報。 亞洲足協表示,行為違反守則,客隊球迷展示一幅具有歧視性,有關國家及政治含意的橫額,因此罰款2.25萬美元,以及未來兩場在國內舉行的亞洲賽事需要閉門舉行,兩場懲罰緩期兩年。 英文全文: In the AFC Champions League, Guangzhou Evergrande were found to have violated Article 58 and Article 65 of the AFC Disciplinary and Ethics Code relating to the actions of away supporters at the match Eastern SC (HKG) vs Guangzhou Evergrande on April 25. Away supporters displayed a banner depicting a discriminatory message relating to national origin and political opinion. Guangzhou Evergrande were ordered to play two future matches in AFC club competitions which they host in China PR without spectators, with both matches suspended for a probationary period of two years. They were also fined USD22,500.





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