生細仔後首露面 宋熙年手術後精神唔錯
2020-09-14 10:00
宋熙年日前為陳智燊誕下第二胎,細仔取名Jamie,不過當日佢哋只公開了三父子合照,熙年未有現身。呢日熙年就Post出自己抱住Jamie嘅相,以英文留言話:「Few hours post surgery...Each pregnancy journey is unique in it’s own way. But I really couldn’t help myself trying to recall what it was like last time with Damon. With a little more experience this time round, I tried to just relax and enjoy precious bonding moments like this, because last time I was tooo overwhelmed and anxious....(手術後幾個小時......每次懷孕都有自己的獨特方式。但是我真的束手無策,想不起上次和Damon(長子)在一起的感覺。這次,我有了一些經驗,我試圖放鬆一下,享受像這樣的珍貴時刻,因為上次我太不知所措了,焦慮不安......。)」生完Jamie幾個鐘的熙年,看來精神都算唔錯,有咗第一胎經驗,今胎應該輕鬆好多。