識煮食譜|星級大廚三姐教煮荷包蛋紅葱頭午餐肉飯 罐頭料理
2022-08-02 00:00
常備罐頭在家,加餸無難度。星級大廚三姐教大家將罐頭午餐肉大變身,炮製成「荷包蛋紅葱頭午餐肉飯」,滋味升級。周日(8月7日)隨《星島日報》附送的食譜書《三姐 創意罐頭料理 1》,由三姐教大家用午餐肉做五道美食,易煮又好味。
Luncheon Meat Rice with Fried Eggs and Sauteed Shallot
分量:2人份 需時:30分鐘
午餐肉 1罐
白飯 1碗
雞蛋 3隻
紅葱頭 4両
生抽 1湯匙
老抽 1湯匙
紅辣椒 1隻
菜心 4條
肉鬆 適量
油 適量
Luncheon meat 1 can
Steamed rice 1 bowl
Eggs 3 pieces
Shallots 4 tael
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
Dark soy sauce 1 tbsp
Chilli 1 piece
Choy sum 4 stalks
Pork floss a little
Pickled olive a little
Oil some
1. 紅辣椒切粒,午餐肉切條。
Dice chilli. Cut luncheon meat into sticks.
2. 紅葱頭拍扁切碎。
Smash and chop the shallot.
3. 菜心洗淨汆水,過凍水備用。
Drain and blanch the choy sum. Cool down the choy sum in ice water.
4. 起油鑊,慢火煎香午餐肉。
Heat a wok with oil, pan-fry the luncheon meat over low heat.
5. 取出午餐肉後,原鑊加紅葱頭碎爆香。
Remove the luncheon meat, fry the minced shallot to release aroma.
6. 加欖菜炒勻,下辣椒粒、鹽、生抽及老抽拌勻,備用。
Add pickled olive and stir well. Add diced chilli, salt, soy sauce and dark soy sauce, mix well as shallot sauce. Set aside.
7. 將午餐肉鋪在飯面,菜心回鑊略炒伴碟。
Arrange the luncheon meat on the steamed rice. Slightly fry the choy sum and serve with rice.
8. 另起油鑊,將雞蛋逐隻煎成半生熟的荷包蛋,加少許鹽調味後上碟,加肉鬆和紅葱頭醬即成。
Make over-medium eggs one by one. Season the eggs with a little salt. Put the over medium eggs on the rice, add pork floss and shallot sauce.
Tips:Homemade shallot sauce is healthy and tasty.