葉蒨文於1992年曾跟美國創作偶像歌手Tommy Page合唱《I'm Always Dreaming Of You》及拍了MV,驚聞Tommy自殺離世,Sally深感悲傷,並透過短訊回覆,望對方能安息,她亦很珍息大家一起工作的日子。
葉蒨文大讚Tommy是溫柔的靈魂,有著從心而發的笑容,是去了天堂的甜蜜天使,並對其家人作最摯誠慰問,及深深會懷念他。「I am so saddened by the news of Tommy...I wish him peace and love and cherish our working time together...He was a gentle soul with a genuine, glowing smile that came deep from his heart. Tommy is one sweet Angel gone to heaven. My most sincere condolences to his family. Will miss him dearly.」