【好專業】為拍劇忍痛苦練芭蕾舞 趙希洛跳到雙腳又紅又腫
2020-09-22 12:00
TVB「御用癲婆」趙希洛(Candice)早前加入處境劇《愛.回家之開心速遞》,飾演龔燁(張景淳飾)的舊愛,近日劇中她又跟「IT狗」Ivan(鄧永健飾)湊成一對,大受網民歡迎。一向敬業樂業的Candice於日前播出的一集中大跳芭蕾舞,昨晚她於社交網貼出幕後花絮,並自爆特意為這場戲學跳Ballet,更騷出拍攝後的雙腳紅腫照,Candice寫道:「I have full respect for all Ballerinas. You are all Amazing. To look so Graceful & Elegant, while the body's entire weight is placed on the toes. My First attempt at Ballet & all I can say is Ouch. We will never understand another person unless we have been in their shoes. Love more judge less.(我非常尊敬所有芭蕾舞演員,你們都很厲害。當全身重量集中在腳趾上,但同時要睇落優雅,我第一次嘗試這樣做時,我痛到只能叫一聲『哎呀』。我們沒有置身別人的處境中,是永遠不會明白對方的,所以給予多點愛,少點批評吧。)」一眾圈中好友黃智雯、李施嬅、王君馨、蔣家旻等均大讚她夠專業。