删完又再Post 谭凯琪宣布生6磅8囡囡「Baby G」
2020-10-19 22:00
39岁的谭凯琪(Zoie)今年3月嫁金融才俊庄日宇(Enrico),6月便宣布将为人母,今日她于社交平台晒BB脚仔照报喜,她透露女儿「BabyG」有6磅8,样子目前则似爸爸,但未几却将Post删除。之后她再上载B女出生消息,以「Staycation」来形容待产过程,又指两个人Check in,现在三个人Check out;很开心珍贵小生命加入这个家庭,母女平安,感谢大家祝福!
Zoie英文留言全文:「This is my kind of memorable #staycation. Two people checking in and three people checking out. We feel really blessed to have this little precious one join our family. Mommy and Baby are doing fine. Thank you everybody for all your well wishes.#BabyG#这个旅程计划了10个月#babygirl」