伊索寓言 人生道理 学生字
2024-05-25 14:00
狐狸和葡萄(The Fox and the Grapes)
狐狸和葡萄(The Fox and the Grapes)
- wu4 lei4 wo4 pou4 tou4(粤语)
- hú li hé pú táo(普通话)
1. 以下哪个是《伊索寓言》的故事?
- A. 《三只小猪》
- B. 《龟兔赛跑》
![乌龟与鹰(The Tortoise and the Eagle)](https://image.hkhl.hk/f/1024p0/0x0/100/none/35654d1d9eb7446a78d2ee3000d7df83/2024-05/171656813540716.png)
乌龟与鹰(The Tortoise and the Eagle)
乌龟与鹰(The Tortoise and the Eagle)
- wu1 gwai1 jyu5 jing1(粤语)
- wū guī yǔ yīng(普通话)
![愚蠢的驴子 (The Foolish Donkey)](https://image.hkhl.hk/f/1024p0/0x0/100/none/3a783d9b2631b9f5f820c4b7c701e44b/2024-05/171656813598236.png)
愚蠢的驴子 (The Foolish Donkey)
愚蠢的驴子 (The Foolish Donkey)
- jyu4 ceon2 dik1 leoi4 zi2(粤语)
- yú chǔn de lǘ zi(普通话)
2. 粤语拼音gwaa2 fu5 jyu5 mou5 gai1是指哪个故事?
- A. 寡妇与母鸡
- B. 驴子与小狗
![下金蛋的鹅 (The Goose the Laid the Golden Eggs)](https://image.hkhl.hk/f/1024p0/0x0/100/none/3ff6eb7c95283ba49833900c3e815af6/2024-05/171656813586765.png)
下金蛋的鹅 (The Goose the Laid the Golden Eggs)
下金蛋的鹅 (The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs)
- haa6 gam1 daan6 dik1 ngo4(粤语)
- xià jīn dàn de é(普通话)
![诚实的樵夫(The Honest Woodcutter)](https://image.hkhl.hk/f/1024p0/0x0/100/none/18031739a8d8424f46791f2c9b629713/2024-05/171656813567513.png)
诚实的樵夫(The Honest Woodcutter)
诚实的樵夫(The Honest Woodcutter)
- sing4 sat6 dik1 ciu4 fu1(粤语)
- chéng shí de qiáo fū(普通话)
3. 《伊索寓言》的英文是甚么?
- A. Aesop's Fables
- B. Grimms’Fairy Tales
![狼来了 (The Boy Who Cried Wolf)](https://image.hkhl.hk/f/1024p0/0x0/100/none/832575141f048b96df51e76a4417c7fd/2024-05/171656813514166.png)
狼来了 (The Boy Who Cried Wolf)
狼来了 (The Boy Who Cried Wolf)
- long4 loi4 liu5 (粤语)
- láng lái le(普通话)
![农夫与蛇(The Farmer and the Viper)](https://image.hkhl.hk/f/1024p0/0x0/100/none/5e43e5a44e547f104dd31666c09fe95e/2024-05/171656813548259.png)
农夫与蛇(The Farmer and the Viper)
农夫与蛇(The Farmer and the Viper)
- nung4 fu1 jyu5 se4(粤语)
- nóng fū yǔ shé(普通话)
4. 普通话拼音nóng fū yǔ zhēng chǎo de ér zi men是指哪个故事?
- A. 狼与逃进神庙的小羊
- B. 农夫与争吵的儿子们
![斗鸡与老鹰(The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle)](https://image.hkhl.hk/f/1024p0/0x0/100/none/a631be4bfb4850365c12b6f18b31dae5/2024-05/171656813525077.png)
斗鸡与老鹰(The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle)
斗鸡与老鹰(The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle)
- dau3 gai1 jyu5 lou5 jing1(粤语)
- dòu jī yǔ lǎo yīng(普通话)
【答案】1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B
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