IG报喜一索得男 38岁乐基儿:I Love You Baby
2019-04-28 22:2438岁名模乐基儿于社交网站Instagram以英文留言宣布产子,更披露囝囝叫做Hunter E. Chu,喜悦满泻的乐基儿更说「I love you baby Hunter E. Chu and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you 」。乐基儿囝囝刚出世就多头发、眼线长,十分可爱,备受网民祝福及恭贺。
乐基儿2012年与黎明离婚后,于2017年下嫁圈外商人Ian Chu,去年11月宣布陀B 3个月。
I cannot imagine a life without you. Your little hands stole my heart and your little feet walked away with it. You are the best thing that ever happened in my life. I love you baby Hunter E. Chu and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you 🌙 ✨ ☀️ 👼🏻 Thank you to all the wonderful nurses and doctors for taking care of us this pass week and also to those who are and have been sending us love and warms wishes! Especially all the moms on IG who have been so supportive through my pregnancy journey, but my journey isn’t over yet and is just about to start another chapter. A time to only bond and connect with my baby and family. So I won’t be updating my IG for awhile as this is the time to tune off, not to be disturbed and enjoying every moment of this stage! Confinement month here I come and see you all when I can 💕💕💕