Kelly未够1岁识得企 大个女似足锺嘉欣靓样
2017-07-06 14:48
今日锺嘉欣开心分享囡囡近照,著起花花裙、扎住辫仔嘅Kelly非常可爱,仲已经学识企起身啦,好叻女喎。见住囡囡长大,锺嘉欣亦感言:「Hi my sweetheart Kelly, even though my hands are getting so tired and sore from carrying you, even though you always yank my hair out, even though you make a mess when eating, even though mommy doesn't get enough sleep... and you're always under mischief...Mommy will always love you. You're growing up so fast! You are my light, my heart, my soul, my everything. 」就算凑囡囡搞到个人成身散晒,锺嘉欣都话依然爱锡Kelly,接受囡囡爱捣蛋,有女万事足。