又中又英|Footloose and fancy-free
2024-05-02 14:53This is a modal window.
[下午6:04, 1/5/2024] Kitlong: Hong Kong people love to travel. They mostly choose nearby places such as Japan, Thailand, and South Korea for short holidays. Some go further afield to Europe or elsewhere for longer vacations. I have a friend who prefers going to places that are off the beaten track. To travel further afield means to travel a long distance away. If a place is off the beaten track, or off the beaten path, it is a remote place where not many people or tourists go. My friend likes to have vacations in such places.
He has been on a safari in South Africa, visited the Amazon rainforest in Bolivia, and has just returned from Peru where he went to places that were off the beaten track. Much of the Amazon rainforest is in Brazil, but parts of it can be accessed in eight other countries, including Bolivia and Peru. I have been to many places, including Lebanon, Nepal, Turkey, Australia, Japan, South Korea, different countries in Europe, and many cities in the US and Canada. Now that I am footloose and fancy-free, I want to travel in a way that is more exciting.
If you are footloose and fancy-free, it means you are free to do what you like and go where you like because you have no responsibilities. I became footloose and fancy-free after I quit my TV shows and newspaper columns in 2021 but mostly visited relatives in the US. Now I want to visit the Grand Canyon in Arizona, see the northern lights in Scandinavia, and travel across the US on an Amtrak train with a private room so I can enjoy the different sceneries.
香港人热爱旅游。他们大多会选一些邻近的地方,例如日本、泰国和南韩作短途旅游。有些则会去远方(further afield)的欧洲或者别处来个长一点的假期。我有一位朋友则情愿去一些偏远的(off the beaten track)地方。To travel further afield是指去很远的地方作长途的旅行。若一个地方是 off the beaten track或 off the beaten path,意即它是偏僻、人迹罕至、不会有太多游客到访的。我的朋友就喜欢到这些地方度假。
他就曾到南非参与野生动物观赏之旅、到访玻利维亚的亚马逊热带雨林,刚刚又从秘鲁回来,在那里他去了一些人迹罕至的地方(off the beaten track)。亚马逊热带雨林主要在巴西,但也有一部分可以从其他八个国家到达,包括玻利维亚和秘鲁。我也去过许多地方,包括黎巴嫩、尼泊尔、土耳其、澳洲、日本、南韩、欧洲各国,以及美国和加拿大的许多城市。现在我已是 footloose and fancy-free,我想用更刺激的方式去旅行。
若你是 footloose and fancy-free,意即你自由自在、无拘无束,喜欢做甚么便做甚么,爱去哪里便去哪里,因为没有负担。我自从于二零二一年辞掉我的电视节目主持工作以及好些报章的专栏后,便无工一身轻(footloose and fancy-free),但我主要还是到美国探访亲友。现在我想到访亚利桑那州的大峡谷、去北欧斯堪地那维亚看北极光,以及搭乘美铁 Amtrak,住火车上的私人套房在美国穿州过省,好能享受沿途不同的风光。
Michael Chugani褚简宁