
更新時間:00:00 2022-06-09
發佈時間:00:00 2022-06-09


材料 Ingredients
本菇 1包 Marmoreal mushroom 1 pack
瑤柱(浸軟) 4粒 Dried scallops(soaked)4 pcs
豆腐 1磚 Tofu 1 block
白飯 1碗 Cooked rice 1 bowl
薑 2片 Ginger 2 slices
水 500毫升 Water 500ml
生粉水 適量 Comstarch water some
油 適量 Oil some
調味料 Seasoning
鹽 1茶匙 Salt 1 tsp
胡椒粉 少許 Pepper powder some


做法 Method

Step 1: 本菇切走根部,撕成條狀。 Cut off the root of the marmoreal mushroom, then tear into strips.
Step 1: 本菇切走根部,撕成條狀。 Cut off the root of the marmoreal mushroom, then tear into strips.
Step 2: 豆腐切粒。 Dice the tofu.
Step 2: 豆腐切粒。 Dice the tofu.


Step 3: 鍋內燒熱油,爆香薑片。 Heat oil in a pot. Saute the ginger slices until fragrant.
Step 3: 鍋內燒熱油,爆香薑片。 Heat oil in a pot. Saute the ginger slices until fragrant.
Step 4: 加本菇略炒。 Add the marmoreal mushroom and stir-fry for a while.
Step 4: 加本菇略炒。 Add the marmoreal mushroom and stir-fry for a while.



Step 5: 加水及瑤柱煲滾。 Add the water and dried scallops, bring to a boil.
Step 5: 加水及瑤柱煲滾。 Add the water and dried scallops, bring to a boil.
Step 6: 加豆腐煮兩分鐘。 Add the tofu, cook for 2 minutes.
Step 6: 加豆腐煮兩分鐘。 Add the tofu, cook for 2 minutes.


Step 7: 加調味料及生粉水拌勻。 Add the seasoning and cornstarch water, stir well.
Step 7: 加調味料及生粉水拌勻。 Add the seasoning and cornstarch water, stir well.
Step 8: 加白飯拌勻,即成。 Add the cooked rice, stir well and serve.
Step 8: 加白飯拌勻,即成。 Add the cooked rice, stir well and serve.


小貼士 Tips: 除本菇外,大家可加入冬菇,令口感更豐富。Apart from the marmoreal mushroom, you can add the shiitake mushroom for better texture.

文:謝施敏 Kirby Tse(中大食物及營養學學士,為認可營養師(香港營養師會)及「家營營養中心」營養師,擅長利用新鮮時令的食材,配合清新不花巧的烹調方法,設計簡單美味的營養餐單。)



