
更新時間:02:00 2022-03-31
發佈時間:02:00 2022-03-31


材料 Ingredients
三文魚扒 240克 Salmon fillet 240g
三文魚骨 240克 Salmon fish bones 240g
硬豆腐(切件) 1件 Block firm tofu(cut into pieces) 1 pc
絲瓜 1條 Luffa 1 pc
滾水 2公升 Hot boiling water 2L
薑片 4片 Ginger slices 4 slices
鹽 適量 Salt some
白胡椒粉 2克 White pepper powder 2g
油 1茶匙 Oil 1 tsp

做法 Method

Step 1:將三文魚扒及三文魚骨洗淨,抹乾後以少許鹽略醃。 Rinse the salmon fillet and bones. Pat dry and marinate with some salt.
Step 1:將三文魚扒及三文魚骨洗淨,抹乾後以少許鹽略醃。 Rinse the salmon fillet and bones. Pat dry and marinate with some salt.
Step 2:絲瓜去皮後切件。 Peel the luffa, then cut into pieces.
Step 2:絲瓜去皮後切件。 Peel the luffa, then cut into pieces.


Step 3:鑊內燒熱油,爆香薑片,放入三文魚扒及三文魚骨煎香。 Heat oil in a pan, saute the ginger slices until fragrant. Add the salmon fillet and fish bones, pan-fry until fragrant.
Step 3:鑊內燒熱油,爆香薑片,放入三文魚扒及三文魚骨煎香。 Heat oil in a pan, saute the ginger slices until fragrant. Add the salmon fillet and fish bones, pan-fry until fragrant.
Step 4:取出三文魚扒,除去細骨,三文魚骨留在鑊中。 Take out the salmon fillet, remove the small bone. Keep the salmon fish bones in the pan.
Step 4:取出三文魚扒,除去細骨,三文魚骨留在鑊中。 Take out the salmon fillet, remove the small bone. Keep the salmon fish bones in the pan.


Step 5:鑊中加入滾水,以慢火煲三十分鐘。 Add the boiling water in the pan, simmer for 30 minutes.
Step 5:鑊中加入滾水,以慢火煲三十分鐘。 Add the boiling water in the pan, simmer for 30 minutes.
Step 6:將三文魚骨取出,魚湯倒入煲,加入豆腐。 Take out the salmon fish bones. Pour the fish soup into a pot and add the tofu.
Step 6:將三文魚骨取出,魚湯倒入煲,加入豆腐。 Take out the salmon fish bones. Pour the fish soup into a pot and add the tofu.


Step 7:加入絲瓜,用慢火煲十分鐘。 Add the luffa, simmer for 10 minutes.
Step 7:加入絲瓜,用慢火煲十分鐘。 Add the luffa, simmer for 10 minutes.
Step 8:下三文魚肉,以鹽和白胡椒粉調味,即成。 Add the salmon meat, season with salt and white pepper powder. Serve.
Step 8:下三文魚肉,以鹽和白胡椒粉調味,即成。 Add the salmon meat, season with salt and white pepper powder. Serve.


小貼士:用滾水撞入已煎好魚骨,可煮成奶白色的魚湯。 Add in boiling water to the pan-fried bones to make milky fish soup base.
小貼士:用滾水撞入已煎好魚骨,可煮成奶白色的魚湯。 Add in boiling water to the pan-fried bones to make milky fish soup base.



文:Celia Chan 陳詠雯(熱愛尋找美食,為實現夢想,她放棄高薪厚職的地產工作,創辦Cooking Fever,教授簡易美味菜式,推廣下廚樂趣。)



