
更新時間:02:00 2022-03-10
發佈時間:02:00 2022-03-10


材料 Ingredients
鱈魚柳 1條 Cod fillet 1 pc
粟米蓉 1盒 Sweet corn cream style 1 box
低脂奶 半杯 Low-fat milk 1/2 cup
生粉 適量 Cornstarch some
油 適量 Oil some
鱈魚柳醃料 Marinade for cod fillet
胡椒粉 適量 Pepper powder some
鹽 適量 Salt some


做法 Method

Step 1: 鱈魚柳洗淨,用廚房紙印乾水分。 Rinse the cod fillet and pat dry with kitchen towel.
Step 1: 鱈魚柳洗淨,用廚房紙印乾水分。 Rinse the cod fillet and pat dry with kitchen towel.
Step 2: 鱈魚柳切小塊。 Cut the cod fillet into small pieces.
Step 2: 鱈魚柳切小塊。 Cut the cod fillet into small pieces.


Step 3: 鱈魚柳以鹽和胡椒粉醃十五分鐘。 Marinate the cod fillet with salt and pepper powder for 15 minutes.
Step 3: 鱈魚柳以鹽和胡椒粉醃十五分鐘。 Marinate the cod fillet with salt and pepper powder for 15 minutes.
Step 4: 鱈魚柳沾上少許生粉。 Coat the cod fillet with some cornstarch.
Step 4: 鱈魚柳沾上少許生粉。 Coat the cod fillet with some cornstarch.


Step 5: 鑊內燒熱油,鱈魚柳煎至金黃,盛起備用。 Heat oil in a pan. Pan-fry the cod fillet until golden brown, remove and set aside.
Step 5: 鑊內燒熱油,鱈魚柳煎至金黃,盛起備用。 Heat oil in a pan. Pan-fry the cod fillet until golden brown, remove and set aside.
Step 6: 鑊內加入粟米蓉。 Add the sweet corn cream to the pan.
Step 6: 鑊內加入粟米蓉。 Add the sweet corn cream to the pan.



Step 7: 加入低脂奶,煮成粟米汁。 Add the low-fat milk to cook for the corn sauce.
Step 7: 加入低脂奶,煮成粟米汁。 Add the low-fat milk to cook for the corn sauce.
Step 8: 加入鱈魚柳拌勻,即成。 Add the cod fillet, stir well and serve.
Step 8: 加入鱈魚柳拌勻,即成。 Add the cod fillet, stir well and serve.



小貼士 Tips
若想增加餸菜口感,可加入粟米粒。If you want to increase the taste of food, you can add the sweet corn kernels.

文:Kathy Ng 吳耀芬(是香港營養師學會認可營養師,同時也是「家營營養中心」創辦人,經常出席電視及報章營養專訪,以及撰寫專欄文章。)
