
更新時間:18:45 2021-04-06
發佈時間:07:10 2021-04-07


急凍帶子 5粒Frozen scallops 5 pieces
中蝦 5隻Shrimps 5 pieces
意大利米 1碗Risotto 1 bowl
罐裝龍蝦湯 1罐Lobster bisque 1 can
洋葱(切粒) 1個Onion(diced) 1 piece
牛油 適量Butter some
巴馬臣芝士 適量Parmesan cheese some
雞湯 500毫升Chicken broth 500ml
水 500毫升Water 500ml

做法 Method

Step 1:帶子解凍、洗淨及切粒。中蝦洗淨、去殼及切粒,以鹽略醃。Defrost, rinse and dice the scallops. Rinse, shell and dice the shrimps. Marinate the shrimps with salt.

Step 2:在小煲內將雞湯與清水煮滾。Bring the chicken broth and water to a boil in a small pot.

Step 3:另一小煲將龍蝦湯加熱。Heat the lobster bisque in another pot.

Step 4:鍋內燒熱牛油,炒香洋葱碎,加入意大利米炒勻。Heat the butter in a pan, stir-fry the diced onion until fragrant. Add the risotto and stir well.

Step 5:加入一杯雞湯,以慢火攪拌,直至米粒吸收所有湯汁。Add one cup of chicken broth, simmer and stir well until the rice has absorbed all the broth.

Step 6:加入另一杯雞湯攪拌,直至米粒半熟。Add another cup of chicken broth, stir well until the rice is half done.

Step 7:加入龍蝦汁攪拌略煮,加入一湯匙牛油及巴馬臣芝士拌勻。Add the lobster bisque and cook for a while, then add 1 tbsp butter and parmesan cheese. Stir well.

Step 8:鑊內燒熱牛油,煎香帶子及鮮蝦,伴意大飯享用。Heat the butter in a pan, panfry the scallops and shrimps until fragrant. Serve with risotto.


小貼士 Tips 

超市現成雞湯是濃縮的,須加水開稀。The chicken broth available in super market is concentrated, dilute it with water.


文:Winnie 圖:星島圖片庫
