【573期 趣味食譜】香菌小炒王

更新時間:19:05 2021-05-19
發佈時間:00:00 2021-05-20


芥蘭頭 1個Kale head bulb 1 pc
牛乾菌 30克Dried porcini 30g
竹笙 30克Bamboo fungus 30g
雞樅菌 50克Collybia albuminosa 50g
蝦乾 2湯匙Dried shrimps 2 tbsp
薑 2片Ginger 2 slices
葱 2條Spring onion 2 stalks
油 適量Oil some


紹興酒 1湯匙Shaoxing wine 1 tbsp
薑汁 1湯匙Ginger juice 1 tbsp
糖 2茶匙Sugar 2 tsp
鹽 1/4茶匙Salt 1/4 tsp
生抽 2/3湯匙Light soy sauce 2/3 tbsp


做法 Method
Step 1:芥蘭頭除去葉子,刨去外層厚皮。Remove the leaves of the kale head bulb, then peel the outer hard layers.

Step 2:芥蘭頭切成粗塊。Cut the kale head bulb into thick chunks.

Step 3:牛乾菌用清水浸十分鐘,擠乾水備用。Soak the dried porcini in water for 10 minutes, then squeezethe water and set aside.

Step 4:竹笙加入薑、葱汆水,撈起。Blanch the bamboo fungus in boiling water with ginger and spring onion, then remove.

Step 5:蝦乾用熱水浸十五分鐘,瀝乾備用。Soak the dried shrimps in hot water for 15 minutes, drain well and set aside.

Step 6:鑊內燒熱油,加入蝦乾、雞樅菌、牛肝菌、酒及薑汁略炒。Heat oil in a pan, add the dried shrimps, collybia albuminosa,porcini, wine and ginger juice, then fry for a while

Step 7:加入芥蘭頭略炒,再拌入竹笙。Add the kale head bulb and fry for a while, then stir in the bamboo fungus.

Step 8:用鹽、生抽、糖調味,以大火炒勻。Season with salt, light soy sauce and sugar, then fry over high heat and stir well.

小貼士 Tips
芥蘭頭刨皮後炒煮,口感更爽脆。Peel the kale head bulb before frying, the kale head bulb will be more crunchy.
