
更新時間:20:29 2021-05-08
發佈時間:07:00 2021-05-10

二人份家常小菜 2 Servings Steamed Minced Pork with Dried Squid 

豬肉碎  200克 Minced pork  200g   
土魷仔  2隻Dried mini squid  2 pieces
馬蹄  3隻Water chestnuts  3 pieces 
乾冬菇  3隻Dried shiitake mushrooms  3 pieces
麥片  1湯匙Oatmeal  1 tbsp 
芫荽  適量Chinese parsley  some


豬肉碎醃料Marinade for minced pork
生抽  2茶匙Light soy sauce  2 tsp 
糖  1茶匙Sugar  1 tsp
生粉  1茶匙Cornstarch  1 tsp

做法 Method
Step 1: 土魷浸至軟身,除去軟骨, 瀝乾及切粒。 Soak the dried mini squid in water until soft, remove the soft bone, drain well and dice.

Step 2: 乾冬菇浸至軟身及瀝乾,剪 去菇蒂。 Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms in water until soft, drain well. Cut the root of the shiitake mushrooms.

Step 3: 冬菇切粒。Dice the shiitake mushrooms.

Step 4: 馬蹄去皮、拍扁及切粒。Peel the water chestnuts, then press and dice.

Step 5: 豬肉碎加入醃料略醃。Marinate the minced pork for a while.

Step 6: 把土魷、冬菇、麥片及馬蹄 粒加入豬肉碎內。 Add the diced dried squid, shiitake mushroom, oatmeal and water chestnut to the minced pork.

Step 7: 豬肉混合物以一雙筷子攪拌 至起膠。 Stir the pork mixture with chopsticks until sticky.

Step 8: 豬肉混合物鋪在蒸碟上,以 大火蒸十分鐘,灑上芫荽。 Place the pork mixture on a dish and steam for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with Chinese parsley.

小貼士 Tips
蒸肉餅加入麥片,會更加鬆軟。 Mix the minced pork with oatmeal to soften the meat. 

文: Winnie   圖:星島圖片庫

