【571期 趣味食譜】欖角椰菜炒鯪魚滑

更新時間:19:58 2021-05-04
發佈時間:00:00 2021-05-06


鯪魚肉 6両Minced dace 6 teals
陳皮(浸軟剁碎) 1/8片Dried tangerine peel(soaked and minced) 1/8 slice
椰菜 300克Cabbage 300g
欖角(剁碎) 2湯匙Preserved olive(chopped)2 tbsp
蒜頭 1粒Garlic 1 clove
紹興酒 1湯匙Shaoxing wine 1 tbsp
麻油 1茶匙Sesame oil 1 tsp
油 適量Oil some


鹽1/2茶匙Salt 1/2 tsp
生粉2茶匙Cornflour 2 tsp
水2湯匙Water 2 tbsp
麻油及胡椒粉 少許Sesame oil and pepper powder a dash


做法 Method
Step 1:鯪魚肉加入陳皮及調味料拌勻,醃十分鐘。Mix the minced dace with tangerine peel and seasoning. Marinate for 10 minutes.

Step 2:椰菜切粗絲。Coarsely shred the cabbage.

Step 3:蒜頭切片。Sliver the garlic.

Step 4:鑊內燒熱油,鯪魚肉以筷子刮成小塊落鑊,煎香取起。Heat oil in a pan, scrape the minced dace into small pieces with chopstick, fry until fragrant, remove.

Step 5:鑊中再燒熱油,放入椰菜絲、欖角及蒜片爆香。Heat another oil in a pan. Add the shredded cabbage, preserved olive and sliced garlic and saute until fragrant.

Step 6:鯪魚肉回鑊炒勻。Return the dace and stir well.

Step 7:灒入紹興酒。Sprinkle with Shaoxing wine.

Step 8:淋上麻油,即成。Sprinkle with sesame oil andserve.

小貼士 Tips
刮鯪魚滑時,筷子先沾水以免黏實魚肉。Wet the chopstick before scraping the dace, to prevent sticking.

文:Joanne Poon 圖:星島圖片庫

Joanne Poon(潘行莊)是By Joanne Stylish Baking烹飪學校的創辦人,擁有多年教授烹飪經驗及專業烘焙資歷,曾編著多本蛋糕甜品食譜。