【569期 趣味食譜】雞絲鮮菇燴冬瓜脯

更新時間:12:10 2021-04-29
發佈時間:00:00 2021-04-22


材料 Ingredients
冬瓜 2斤Winter melon 2 catties
本菇 100克Marmoreal mushrooms 100g
乾冬菇 3隻Dried shiitake mushrooms 3
雞肉 100克Chicken fillet 100g
油 2湯匙Oil 2 tbsp


鹽 1茶匙Salt 1 tsp
胡椒粉 1/4茶匙Pepper powder 1/4 tsp
麻油 1/2茶匙Sesame oil 1/2 tsp
生粉 1湯匙Cornflour 1 tbsp
生抽 1茶匙Light soy sauce 1 tsp
水 1杯Water 1 cup

做法 Method

Step 1:冬瓜除皮後去瓤,蒸十至十五分鐘至熟透。Peel the winter melon, scoop out the pulp, and steam for 10 to 15 minutes until cooked. 

Step 2:冬菇以水浸軟,切成絲狀。Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms in water until soft and shred.

Step 3:本菇切去尾部,用手撕成小塊。After cutting off the roots of the marmoreal mushrooms, tear into small pieces.

Step 4:雞肉切絲。Shred the chicken fillet.

Step 5:鑊內燒熱油。Heat oil in a pan.

Step 6:放入菇絲炒至軟身。Add the shredded mushrooms and fry until soft.

Step 7:加入雞絲炒熟。Add the shredded chicken and fry until done.

Step 8:加入調味料煮至汁稠,把所有材料倒進冬瓜中間位置。Add the seasoning and cook until the sauce is thickened, then pour into the center of the winter melon.

小貼士 Tips 
冬瓜蒸好的汁液可代替調味料的部分水分,以增加鮮甜度。Save the steaming liquid of the winter melon as part of the water in the seasoning to enhance sweetness.

文:Joanne Poon

Joanne Poon(潘行莊)是By Joanne Stylish Baking烹飪學校的創辦人,擁有多年教授烹飪經驗及專業烘焙資歷,曾編著多本蛋糕甜品食譜。
