
更新時間:00:00 2022-02-17
發佈時間:00:00 2022-02-17


材料 Ingredients
硬豆腐 1磚 Firm tofu 1 piece
冬菇(已浸水) 5粒 Shiitake mushrooms(soaked) 5 pcs
杏鮑菇 1隻 King oyster mushroom 1 pc
甘筍 1/3條 Carrot 1/3 pc
葱 1紮 Spring onion 1 pc
葱 1紮 Minced garlic 2 pcs
薑 2片 Ginger 2 slices
油 適量 Oil some
醬汁 Sauce
生抽 2茶匙 Light soy sauce 2 tsp
素食蠔油 2茶匙 Vegetarian oyster sauce 2 tsp
米酒 1湯匙 Rice wine 1 tbsp
糖 1茶匙 Sugar 1 tsp
生粉 2茶匙 Cornstarch 2 tsp
水 1/2杯 Water 1/2 cup


做法 Method 

Step 1: 豆腐切件。Cut the tofu into pieces.
Step 1: 豆腐切件。Cut the tofu into pieces.
Step 2: 杏鮑菇、冬菇及甘筍切片。Slice the king oyster mushroom, shiitake mushrooms and carrot.
Step 2: 杏鮑菇、冬菇及甘筍切片。Slice the king oyster mushroom, shiitake mushrooms and carrot.
Step 3: 葱切段。Cut the spring onion into sections.
Step 3: 葱切段。Cut the spring onion into sections.
Step 4: 將所有醬汁材料混合。Mix all the sauce ingredients together.
Step 4: 將所有醬汁材料混合。Mix all the sauce ingredients together.


Step 5: 鑊內燒熱油,將豆腐煎至金黃,盛起。Heat oil in a pan. Fry the tofu until golden brown, remove.
Step 5: 鑊內燒熱油,將豆腐煎至金黃,盛起。Heat oil in a pan. Fry the tofu until golden brown, remove.
Step 6: 鑊內燒熱油,爆香薑片及蒜蓉。Heat oil in a pan. Saute the ginger slices and minced garlic until fragrant.
Step 6: 鑊內燒熱油,爆香薑片及蒜蓉。Heat oil in a pan. Saute the ginger slices and minced garlic until fragrant.


Step 7: 加入冬菇、杏鮑菇及甘筍, 炒至稍為軟身。Add the shiitake mushroom, king oyster mushroom and carrot, stir-fry them until slightly soft.
Step 7: 加入冬菇、杏鮑菇及甘筍, 炒至稍為軟身。Add the shiitake mushroom, king oyster mushroom and carrot, stir-fry them until slightly soft.
Step 8: 加入葱段、豆腐及醬汁,煮至醬汁濃稠,即成。Add the sectioned spring onion, tofu and sauce, cook the sauce until thick. Serve.
Step 8: 加入葱段、豆腐及醬汁,煮至醬汁濃稠,即成。Add the sectioned spring onion, tofu and sauce, cook the sauce until thick. Serve.









小貼士 Tips:豆腐用廚房紙印乾水分,可避免煎煮前出水。Pat dry the tofu with kitchen towel to avoid water coming out from tofu when pan-frying it.
小貼士 Tips:豆腐用廚房紙印乾水分,可避免煎煮前出水。Pat dry the tofu with kitchen towel to avoid water coming out from tofu when pan-frying it.


文:Amy Wan 溫巧晴(畢業於英國歐斯特大學,是食物及營養學理學士,現任職「家營營養中心」營養師,擅長設計營養豐富、美味可口的食譜。)


