【567期 健康飲食】滋味素菜 燴炒素雞

更新時間:10:37 2021-04-11
發佈時間:00:10 2021-04-08


青甜椒1/2個Green bell pepper 1/2
紅蘿蔔1/2條Carrot 1/2
木耳1朵Wood ear fungus 1
紅辣椒1隻Red chili pepper 1
素雞200克Soy chicken 200g
乾冬菇3隻Dried shiitake mushrooms 3
油3湯匙Oil 3 tbsp


糖 1茶匙Sugar 1 tsp
鹽 1/4茶匙Salt 1/4 tsp
麻油 1/4茶匙Sesame oil 1/4 tsp
生抽 1茶匙Light soy sauce 1 tsp
胡椒粉 適量Pepper powder to taste
生粉 1茶匙Cornflour 1 tsp
水 2湯匙Water 2 tbsp


做法 Method

Step 1:乾冬菇及木耳以水浸軟。Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms and wood ear fungus in water until soft.

Step 2:將冬菇、木耳、青甜椒切成小塊。Cut the shiitake mushrooms, wood ear fungus and green bell pepper into small pieces.

Step 3:紅蘿蔔刨皮及切薄片。Peel the carrot, then cut into thin slices.

Step 4:紅辣椒去籽及切成小塊。Remove the seeds of the red chili pepper, then cut into small pieces.

Step 5:素雞切成一厘米厚件。Cut the soy chicken into 1 cm thick pieces.

Step 6:鑊內燒熱油,將素雞煎香。Heat oil in a pan and brown the soy chicken until fragrant.

Step 7:放入所有配料,以大火炒熟。Add all ingredients and fry over high heat until done.

Step 8:加入調味料炒勻,即成。Add the seasoning and stir well and serve.


小貼士 Tip

木耳應選黑褐色、背部呈光亮灰色及無蟲蛀為佳。A good wood ear fungus should be dark brown in colour, bright with grey back with no insects bite.


文:Joanne Poon 圖:星島圖片庫

Joanne Poon(潘行莊)是By Joanne Stylish Baking烹飪學校的創辦人,擁有多年教授烹飪經驗及專業烘焙資歷,曾編著多本蛋糕甜品食譜。