
更新時間:19:20 2021-04-05
發佈時間:07:00 2021-04-06


雞 1/2隻Chicken 1/2 pieces
金針 10克Lily bulbs 10g
雲耳 10克Cloud ear fungus 10g
冬菇 2隻Shiitake mushrooms 2 pieces
薑絲 適量Shredded ginger some
葱粒 適量Chopped spring onion some


雞醃料Marinade for chicken
老抽 1茶匙Dark soy sauce 1 tsp
生抽 2湯匙Light soy sauce 2 tbsp
生粉 2湯匙Cornstarch 2 tbsp
糖 1湯匙Sugar 1 tbsp

做法 Method 

Step 1:雞斬件、洗淨及瀝乾,加入醃料醃一小時。Chop the chicken into pieces, then rinse and drain well. Marinate for an hour.

Step 2:冬菇、金針及雲耳分別浸水至軟身。Soak the shiitake mushrooms, lily bulbs and cloud ear fungus in water separately until soft.

Step 3:金針切去頭尾。Cut off the both ends of the lily bulbs.

Step 4:雲耳剪去較硬部分。Cut away the harder part of the cloud ear fungus.

Step 5:冬菇去蒂及切成厚片。Remove the stem of the shiitake mushrooms, then cut into thick slices.

Step 6:將冬菇、雲耳、金針與雞件撈勻。Mix the chicken pieces with the shiitake mushroom, cloud ear fungus and lily bulbs.

Step 7:加入薑絲撈勻。Add the shredded ginger and mix well.

Step 8:將所有材料鋪在蒸碟上,蒸十二分鐘,灑上葱粒。Place all ingredients on a steam dish. Steam for 12 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped spring onion.

小貼士 Tips

雪藏雞沖水五分鐘,可減低雪味。Rinse the frozen chicken for 5 minutes under running water to remove the freezing taste.


文:Winnie 圖:星島圖片庫
