【趣味食譜】老少平安 Steamed Tofu with Minced Dace

更新時間:23:13 2021-04-04
發佈時間:07:00 2021-04-05


布包豆腐 1磚Cloth wrapped tofu 1 slab
鯪魚肉 4両Minced dace 4 taels
冬菇 2隻Shiitake mushrooms 2 pcs
蛋 1隻Egg 1 pc
葱 1棵Spring onion 1 stalk
生抽 適量Light soy sauce to drizzle 
鹽 1/2茶匙Salt 1/2 tsp
生抽 1茶匙Light soy sauce 1 tsp
生粉 1湯匙Cornflour 1 tbsp
Sesame oil and pepper powder
1/2 tsp each 

Step 1:豆腐置碗中攪碎。 Mash the tofu in a bowl.

Step 2:冬菇用水浸軟後剁碎。 Soak the shiitake mushrooms in water until soft, then chop.

Step 3:葱切碎。 Chop the spring onion.

Step 4:鯪魚肉、蛋、葱碎及冬菇加 入豆腐內。 Add the minced dace, egg, chopped spring onion and shiitake mushroom to the tofu.

Step 5:放入調味料拌勻。 Add the seasoning and mix well.

Step 6:把豆腐混合物倒進蒸碟內。 Transfer the tofu mixture into the dish.

Step 7:以大火蒸十至十五分鐘。 Steam for 10 to 15 minutes over high heat.

Step 8:淋上少許生抽,即成。 Drizzle with a little light soy sauce. Serve.

When mixing tofu and minced dace, try to stir in the same direction to make it glue well together.

文:Joanne Poon  圖:星島圖片庫

Joanne Poon(潘行莊)是By Joanne Stylish Baking烹飪學校的創辦人,擁有多年教授烹飪經驗及專業烘焙資歷,曾編著多本蛋糕甜品食譜。