英語時間|Animal paintings【591期】

更新時間:17:55 2021-09-20
發佈時間:00:00 2021-09-23

The giant panda, Yang Yang(陽陽), has painted many pictures. Take some time to learn more about this animal, as well as what other animals are painting as well.

The artist
Yang Yang sometimes paints using her fingers, but most of the time she sticks with the brush. Her carers go up to her while she is in her cage, and hold a sketchbook up to her. Yang Yang then paints through the bars of her cage. Yang Yang actually arrived at the zoo back in 2003, with another panda named Long Hui(龍徽). Now 18, she has had five cubs.

Panda characteristics
There are currently about 1,800 giant pandas living in the wild. Giant pandas usually have a plump, round body, and a black and white fur pattern that is known all over the world. Although they are born with sharp teeth and claws like other bears, they eat bamboo as their main food. They do eat other things like grass and tubers, and very rarely do they eat meat, such as birds.

Other animals
There are a number of other animals that also paint pictures, but all of them are tame and some are even trained. A chimpanzee named Congo once painted many pictures. A few elephants also paint, using their trunks to hold a paintbrush. Even dolphins and beluga whales paint, using their mouths to hold the brush. There is even a rabbit named Bini that paints.


plump (adj) 胖乎乎的

pattern (n) 樣式

tuber (n) 塊莖

chimpanzee (n) 黑猩猩

trunk (n) 象鼻

beluga whale (n phr) 白鯨

