【英語時間】Wild and proud

更新時間:18:47 2021-04-02
發佈時間:13:12 2021-03-25

If you live in rural areas, you might have seen wild, muddy boars before. But do not judge a boar by its look. They like to stay clean, and they do a lot of good to forests. Many people think that wild boars are dirty, lazy and stupid. Actually, they are clean animals and enjoy wallowing in mud baths to keep cool and to protect themselves against mosquitoes and parasites.

Rub, rub, rub

Wild boars rub their bodies on trees or objects. Why? Normally it is just to scratch an itch. Rubbing the face on objects can be part of a scent marking process used to communicate between animals and groups.

Worm lovers

Wild boars are omnivorous. They eat mostly plant matter and invertebrates such as worms and insects. They love worms as they are high in protein. They could eat many plants but that would not make up the amount of protein found in a single worm.

Friends of the forests

Wild boars are important to the ecosystem as they loosen and turn soil when looking for food, which is good for the forest. They may come down to human areas in the winter, because they are attracted to the smells of improperly disposed waste, which to them is food. We should wrap up our waste properly to prevent this.


wallow (v) 打滾

rub (v) 擦

omnivorous (adj) 雜食性的

invertebrate (n) 無脊椎動物

ecosystem (n) 生態系統

disposed (adj) 丟棄的